Clinic #1
St. Vincent de Paul Gym

Registration Forms

When attending a race all participants must have an updated registration form and parent code of conduct.

By clicking the button above, a new window will open with any Soap Box Derby forms you may need.


Event Date

Saturday, April 6

Start Time

8:00 AM


1919 Ritter Drive
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 United States

Organizer Info

Name: Rotary Club of Cape Girardeau #2396

Phone: 573-334-1006


Additional Information

All drivers are required to attend a clinic to be eligible to race. At the clinic, Cape Rotary volunteers will assist you in the preparation of the car for racing.  This ensures the cars are competitive and safe for racing  Cape Rotary supplies all special tools, parts, and weights necessary to prepare the car.  Drivers will need to bring: their car, a basic tool set, and saw horses to set the car on.